Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We all know it yes we do,
The answer on the tip of our tongue,
All the dances over when calling that tune,
Walk among the giants and they call you slow,
So no I am not afraid to go,
Dream again you fool of wander lust in benevolent musings of the dead,
The sky splits open and shadows begin to fade,
So call the count when dandy's coming all along,
One more time on down the way,
An angel called me up and said,
Mother fucker get up and quit playing with the dead,
Cry out and beg that song of smile,
Quit walking along in distant decay,
FTBAS 10.16.12

Monday, October 15, 2012

Come on down boy

Skies of blue and Mississippi mud,
Dark clouds of rain on a wet Alabama day,
Changing colors fall along the Cumberland gap,
Atlanta's last deep sweat of the summer heat,
In my south of down and dirty,
All full of purpose in mountains of grease,
Iron ore digging coal from the deserted priest,
Coke fields full and fill with deceased,
Come along with me and walk my country mile,
Come on and have a sit boy and let me talk awhile,
This here ain't no different than any where just better,
Come on down boy we got got something for use,
Them southern boys a rocking all night blues,
Rocking jazz with hard down beats,
Southern ladies still walking yes ma'am in our streets,
Lighting and civil war,
Confusion and some more,
But clear when your walking held up high,
Come on down to breathe my southern sky.................

FTBAS 10.15.12