Thursday, June 17, 2010


Out of no where.
Felt it deep blow.
Santa anta trade carry.
South this canary.
Sugar smooth.
Honey Sweet.
Feelin me.
Makin neat.
Creation of energy.
Soaring over.
Gliding through.
Open memory
Strong to do.
The more fresh air.
I’m breath.
I’m in.
I’m around.
The closer you get.
The more I want you……….
FenniganT 6/17/10

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gods Bookends

Shelf of time,
The book of life.
Every line,
A message,
For the blind.
A cheek turns away.
Neighbor to neighbor,
Lives in today.
Justice met,
Peace offered,
No regret.
Mystery solved,
Story told,
A beauty scroll.
Held above,
In the word of love.
On each side,
Holding safe.
God’s bookends,
Here forever,
Here today.
One name April,
One name Fennigan.
Between two,
The most,
Beloved three,
The Father,
The Son,
The Holy Ghost……………………
FenniganT 6/15/10

Monday, June 14, 2010


Four Am
I swim
Dark sea
Sunlight crawl
Floating in peace
The earth’s vibration
Breath of creation
I am released……
This morning
Forever till my end
In your arms
In your eyes
In your smile
Breath of love
I am released……
To my beginning
To my end
Of all the middle
Let the healing begin
I release……
FenniganT 6/13/10

Top Off

Let’s blow the top off.
Scatter and smatter love.
Litter the road.
With Gods word.
Let’s speak out.
Let’s be absurd.
Let start a revolution.
To be unheard.
Not to be matched.
Where all are free.
All unlatched.
From their bound.
Chains of destiny.
Something more than this.
Something like bliss.
Wake up,
Smell the coffee.
We coming in,
With this offering.
Our moment in time,
Sprinkled with some rhyme.
All in love.
All in the glory.
Of our fathers story.
Fennigan T 6/13/10

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Fuck fuck fuck.
I hate to feel.
I hate to care.
I hate that I'm here.
I don't wanna be anywhere.
Do I?
Why not?
Who's she?
Who's not?
The fast ones always ride for free.
What's new.
Always been done to you.
Care and caress.
Wash and dress.
All needs meet.
Father and brother to some.
To none the only one.
Watched so many fall on threw.
Lost many more just doing what I do.
Try to make better than when I got here.
Taught many how to smile by just being there.
So many rules so many games.
Can't anything stay the same?
I guess not.
What good would it do?
If you were the only one for me and I was the only one for you?
FenniganT 6/12/10