I believe the age of enlightenment has brought on more of a sentimental connection with emotion. To open within the heart of another is grasping for a vision seen now almost like a god. We try one and if doesn't fit to our liking we work hard to convince ourselves that all the signs point in a different direction. We quit and sulk all the while sheepishly looking out on the horizon for the one who is going to save us from the wretched pain of life. Then the power goes out and we realize the movie wasn't that good anyway. Its how we serve the others we meet in our daily life interacting without emotional attachment. The children, the check out girl, the oil change guy, the attendant, the immigrant, the illegal , the alien, the poor, the rich, everybody including animals and our environment. How we treat others is the truest reflection of our love and self worth. We my friend are children of God. The best invention, finest crafted and self perfecting mechanism we know of so far. When I meet one of his non human other creatures I might change my mind but bottom line. We are the cream of the crop. Flow the energy my friends. Use your power. Know what God and I know. You are unlimited..
Fennigan T B A Spencer 12.15.10
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