Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gone Hunting

Vision blur.
Deaths door.
Sliced throat.
Silver coat.
Blood shine.
In time.
Bleed out.
Fine pulse.
Final bout.
Beautiful creation.
Elimination felt.
Through its pelt.
Last breathe.
Father forgive me.
Beauty destroyed.
That I have.
In deaths laugh.
I find no treaty.
To put me at ease.
My sins live on.
Why don't they cease?
What is it your telling me?
What is its worth?
Born bread and created.
From this earth.
What you want me to do?
Tell me father please what route to choose.
In seems I know.
But can't let go.
Not of what's been done.
But how I have failed your son.
I talk unconditional love and freedoms call.
When it came down to it I lost it all.
In control in how I felt.
Now me in this living hell.
I can not see I could not tell.
What is one plus one plus one?
Ain't that three?
Fuck this fucks that then fucks me.
Fenn 6/12/10
Fenn 6/12/10


In the dirt,
Thrown away.
Chipped here.
Rusted there.
No love.
No care.
Beauty withered.
But not hidden.
With care.
With time.
With penitence.
Razors edge.
Me, deeper than I ever thought it would…….
FenniganT 6/12/10

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ground Zero

Blown up.
This way.
Not that.
My way.
Faint that.
You don’t see,
Serve good.
Long life blood,
Ground zero.
Bull rut.
Push out.
Pull in.
Going about.
The wrong end.
Stay safe.
Lady luck,
That me,
You see,
No pumping,
No thumping,
No jumping,
Blowing up,
Ground Zero……………
FenniganT 6/11/10

The Hand

Dealer began,
Drawing dead.
Player one,
Big slick.
Player two,
Bullets in the hole.
Who knew,
Scattered set.
Just met.
The marker,
Raise the bet.
The flop,
Split pot.
One fold,
One saving faces.
Set the limit,
Set the rules.
Sent to the rail,
Who could tell.
Bottom pair,
One down,
Two to go…………..
FenniganT 6/11/10

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hang nail dog

Hang nail dog.
Cut throat.
Jump rope.
Hangman’s noose.
Running loose.
Cut free.
Social debris.
Flying off.
Handles wit.
Really think.
Give a shit.
Yellow coward.
Lip service.
In sync.
Babies bed.
FenniganT 6/10/10

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Crave 2!

I crave your touch, your breath, your smile, your love. I long for a day when spaces no longer hold us behind the bars. My true desire is to only vibrate unconditional love and acceptance through us. Our past has rules written long before us. Though we may wish for a moment to be different or a song sung do a different tune. The rules are part of us and we are the gate keepers to the truth. I wait knowing that one day one moment in time is nothing to the eternity I went through to get to you.
FenniganT 6/8/20

Nothing on you!

See the universe?
See our moon?
In my verse.
They have nothing on you.
You whisper to the prairie wind.
Coerce it to call my name.
You have the oceans send.
The rain to quench my flame.
Mountain's rise high to meet you.
Only to fail mile by mile.
The suns wishes to be you.
Has taken long ago its smile.
Washing out black turning day from night.
The love bloom crack.
Make everything alight.
For me a lot and them others.
You where born in the realm of Mothers.
Who’s touch is of freedom from worry to care. And everybody knows you will always be there.
Steady steadfast holy and true.
These are just some of the reasons I long to be with you.
Fennigan T 6/8/10

Monday, June 7, 2010

Silver Linings

Down middle,
On top bend,
Round blend,
One calling,
One answer,
On follow,
Out and in,
On top end,
In question,
On answer,
Mostly everything,
Without anything.
Wants nothing,
To defend,
Only win win.
Make it so,
Do the know,
Peal the ladder back,
Build new ceiling,
Step back,
Do it again.
Paper paint everywhere,
Shattered the sky,
With expectations,
Colored the clouds,
With Silver Linings……………………
FenniganT 6/7/10

What's New?

Fuck fuck fuck.
I hate to feel.
I hate to care.
I hate that I'm here.
I don't wanna be anywhere.
Do I?
Why not?
Who's she?
Who's not?
The fast ones always ride for free.
What's new.
Always been done to you.
Care and caress.
Wash and dress.
All needs meet.
Father and brother to some.
To none the only one.
Watched so many fall on threw.
Lost many more just doing what I do.
Try to make better than when I got here.
Taught many how to smile by just being there.
So many rules so many games.
Can't anything stay the same?
I guess not.
What good would it do?
If you were the only one for me.
I was the only one for you?