Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fennigan's Prayer

To put it down like this is out there for sure, not used to sharing what is holy and pure. So here it is and I am proud to say. This makes Fennigan Smile in so many ways. I open morning’s glory envelope on my knees. Ask the father for blessings and will he please. Grant me insight in my realm, today that I walk forward in his love, each step of the way. Like this prayer to be inspired, as one of gods holy warriors not to be denied, the pain or obstacles of others. But larger challenges my stronger shoulders. Thank you for my wisdom that I use stakes your claim. Into the heart of those who know no shame. I’ve given you ramblings I given you the bit. Well here it is and I bet you thought I was going to say it. But no not here Fenn's to unruly. So I gotta stay Fennigan to be an example of what’s holy. I walk in integrity and lies are not a part of me. I have been opened up to loves dignity. I have seen my future through Gods wondering eye. He wants these same for me and all of us to live in the land of bliss. I will use the beautiful eyes to see. That all my brother and sisters, are just like you and me walking tall with everybody in my mind, as my heart is the loving kind. Take nothing to anyone but the spirit of the Holy Ghost. In my patience of lessons learned I follow more closely to a persons need. With keen instinct in of faith I have nothing to fear. Starts out making sure the gratitude is there. I usually am thankful the most for my beautiful breathe of fresh air. Then I ponder into family and friends. That’s when the real healing begins. I think of those I love and those who I boast. The again I thank the Holy Ghost. So in these moments of my morning brisk I ask the father for my task list. And once again thanks for the strength who I am, a child, a servant, a warrior, a friend, an unconditional loving Fennigan. Amen
Fennigant 7/11/10