Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cookie for Santa

God gave Adam and Eve the garden of Eden with simple direction. Nothing complicated. One instruction of don't do this. That’s it very simple everything was out there for them and they blew it. After they ate the apple of knowledge we lost the privilege of ignorant bliss. As children of God he was disappointed when they did. As our father he forgave them. Still they became full of the Ego that has never been present before. Our Spirit and Ego have been at battle ever since. Egos exist for affirmation. An affirmation that will never be completed with the forever ending list.  The SOUL only wants peace. Which ever wins the body follows. Until the body grows old and then sometimes it takes over both ego and soul before we die. A cording to the story knowledge fueled ego so much that soon God had to destroy us all and start over again. This next time he gave us his word and his only son. His word as direction, his son as unconditional love, an example of how to live the word. Any parent knows this is the ultimate sacrifice . Now as many years later we still argue the truth of the word as written in the bible. I argue the truth as viewed by the FTBAS. We are his children, and his true love. He has made a promise to us and has always kept his word. He loves us unconditionally. We live as we die with only only three things, His unconditional love, his forgiveness, and his word. The forgiveness of our Father allows us to give unconditional love, forgive ourselves and those who trespass against us, keep our word and not break it. I have no contract of guarantee, no paper for a judge to decide if I am right or not, I only have faith in the Father. He loves me and asks me to believe in his love. I have faith in that love. I have seen it. I have felt it. I have it. We all do. Spread your words of unconditional love across the universal sky my friends. Spread it in your homes, spread it to the homeless, spread it on the streets, spread it on the narrow, and spread it on the wide. Spread it thick and spread it till the day you die. Most importantly spread it, to your Self unconditionally, spread it around your entire insides. Then pass your love along to who ever you meet. I say it’s all out there for us if we do the one simple thing he asks. Spread love till we keep his word when we give ours.

FenniganT 12.23.10

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